Terry’s Motorcycle Training Reaches Major Milestone

Terry Motorcycle Training Milestone

Terry’s Motorcycle Training Reaches Major Milestone

The Honda Shop in Midland recently helped celebrate Terry’s Motorcycle Training Reaching a Major Milestone.

Terry Motorcycle Training Milestone


We just performed a 205,000km service on his immaculate Honda CB1300 and the bike recieved a perfect bill of health. We helped mark the occasion by presenting Terry with a Honda Racing jacket as thanks for his years of support with servicing and guiding new riders to the Honda lineup of LAMS bikes

Terry’s CB1300 muscle bike sees plenty of riding as a crucial part of his motorcycle training business and can often be seen out and about around the Midland area and towing his custom trailer loaded with Learner bikes for new riders.

“Ridden every day in all weathers no work carried out to engine and still looks good. Still flys when asked to. Happy owner I am! … Just need Honda to start bringing them back to Australia so I can get a brand new one” Said Terry.

There are plenty more years of life in your current CB Terry but we will keep hassling Honda Australia on your behalf!

If you are thinking of getting or upgrading your motorcycle licence, contact Terry’s Motorcycle Training and mention The Honda Shop in Midland for a discount on your first lesson – Visit Terry’s Website

Terry Motorcycle Training Milestone Terry Motorcycle Training MilestoneTerry Motorcycle Training Milestone

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