LAMS Rider Demo Day

LAMS Bike category divider

LAMS Rider Demo Day

Looking to get your first bike? Just passed your R-E Class test?

Book your place today for The Honda Shop Midland’s LAMS Demo Day.
We will have the full range of Honda LAMS bikes available and heaps of info on a variety of topics including:
Selecting the right bikeLAMS Logo
What to look for when buying riding gear
Basic bike care and maintenance
Licencing requirements and R-E Class testing
Special offers for those who book:
* Bike Sale Specials for those that demo and buy on the day
* Gear specials to those that Demo on the day
* Discounts for Motorcycle training and Lessons
We will also have a Coffee Van on site for refreshments.
Bookings essential, please contact us here book your spot
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